Ostara, First Day of Spring

Today, March 20th, is the first day of SPRING!!!!
This is what is happening to my seeds of intent:
1.  To continue to become more physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.
- I am nearly finished with my allergy shots and being able to feel good and more active and especially enjoy nature is really helping me become more physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.  Also my medications have now put me in the normal range for blood work and blood pressure!

2.  To continue to focus on helping my son into adulthood and being present with him and understanding of his limitations and abilities.
- I have been prodding my son in the right direction but letting him make his own mistakes and understand the consequences of his actions both positive and negative.  He has been thriving and I am letting him make most of his own decisions. 

3.  To find a way to become a therapist in the direction in which the Goddess leads me.
- It is hard not to become depressed and frustrated with the slowness of building my practice, but I was able to put in a good amount of money for marketing and I am starting to receive more calls.  I look forward to continuing to put effort forth.

4.  To find a way to be supportive of my daughter and not enable her as she goes into adulthood.
- This has been really hard.  I struggled with wanting to rescue her from her bad choices and letting her learn the consequences but I am working harder to pulling back. 

I am motivated to keep actively working and creating the picture of my future - I have good days and bad days but the good is outweighing the bad.


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