Samhain/Halloween/Our 5th Wedding Anniversary

So this year my seeds of intent were:
1.  To become more physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.
2.  To focus on helping my son into adulthood and being present with him and understanding of his limitations and abilities.
3.  To find a way to become a therapist in the direction in which the Goddess leads me.
4.  Continue to let go of the past and learn to live in the present and not to spend too much time obsessing about the future.

One thing that I have learned to trust although it is still really hard is that when you put an intention out there and focus on it, you have to understand that it may not come to fruition the way you planned or thought it would. 

1.  I started walking.  I have not been as consistent as I have wanted about it but I am making progress AND I did a 5K walk this year.  I also have been getting allergy shots which have paid off already in helping me in this fall season to breathe.  I continue to work on myself emotionally.

2. My son has graduated from high school, gone on tour in China, become an eagle scout and started college.  He is finding his path.  I am supportive and yet slowly letting go so he can mature.  Of all of my seeds of intent - I find this one grew the best.  I am so proud of everything my son has accomplished and I feel like I am getting closer to him in this new relationship.

3.  I am struggling to build my practice of being a therapist but I am making connections and have a great supervisor.  I am learning and enjoying my new career.

4.  I try not to obsess about the future - it is hard, as for the past - I have learned an interesting thing this year - while letting go of the past you also have to use what you have learned.  My computer geeky past has had huge benefits for me and those around me, I need not shut the door on the past, what I need to learn to do is embrace what I have learned and let go of the rest.

I enjoyed my Halloween and Samhain with my family and my hubby and my 5th wedding anniversary.  Every year seems to get better and better. 

This year I had 4 seeds in my apple.

So this year my seeds of intent are:
1.  To continue to become more physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.
2.  To continue to focus on helping my son into adulthood and being present with him and understanding of his limitations and abilities.
3.  To find a way to become a therapist in the direction in which the Goddess leads me.
4.  To find a way to be supportive of my daughter and not enable her as she goes into adulthood.


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