Can things really be going this right???

I feel like I have waited my whole life for this - For a point in time that everything seems to be getting better.  Sure I have had one thing here or there that was going right - but usually it just helped me get through something else that was going wrong.

So let me take a moment and share with you things that are going right:
My hubby and I - Still happily and deeply in love.  October 31st will make our 5 year anniversary!  And December 4th will make 7 years together!  The picture to my left is a little gift he gave me for no real reason.  As customary it has several meanings.  I have been reading the Mistborn series and I told him that when some of the characters burn pewter for a long time and then stop - they are really tired - it is called "pewter dragging"  so he got me a "pewter dragon".  Amethyst is my favorite stone and I love dragons and their energy.  As usual he knows me so well and continues to show me how much he loves me in so many different and unique ways.

My son graduated from high school in June, turned 18 and became and Eagle Scout (that is his Eagle Scout Project to the right).  He went to China and on several camping trips this summer.  Now he just started college.  He is keeping up with his chores and is keeping his room clean (really amazing!)  He is actually helping out without asking.  It is so wonderful to see.
The most surprising positive thing is my daughter.  After struggling with her behaviors for years, and trying for nearly 2 years to take her medications reliably - on her own she decided to go back on Abilify and oh my goddess - what a difference.  She got to her out of state placement just under a year ago.  For 10+ months she pretty much stayed on the lowest level at the group home - having stand offs, trying to run, arguing and refusing to do the program - well - once she started Abilify her behaviors got better and she is now on Level 2 - holding a part time job, on the volley ball team and doing well in her 8 classes.  She is 5 months from turning 18 and I actually have hope for her future - I mean real hope not that mom hope that every mom hopes for the best - this time I really think she has a real chance and a really good future.  The best part is - I loving having my daughter back - talking to her - being able to discuss things and actually go deep into discussion without fear.

My own mental health - It was actually a bit weird - so many things going well - hardly any drama - I actually struggled for a little bit with that.  I have spent 13+ years dealing with drama.  Mostly my daughter and her needs but sometimes my son or my partner.  I actually fell into a depression when that drama was removed - I was so used to living on the adrenaline of drama, I really struggled to find my energy when it wasn't being triggered.  I finally found it - and my home office is set up, my home feels like home and this is my every day view from my home office.  For the first time in a long time I feel like I have my mental health.  I am not manic and I am not depressed.  I am learning how to live in the middle. 

So for a moment I am just really happy to be who I am, where I am at this moment.


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