Beaver Moon, Frost Moon

Beaver Moon, sometimes called Frost Moon is usually the full moon in November but this year it is at the end of October as it is the 2nd full moon after the fall equinox.

From Wikipedia: Two reasons are given for the coupling of the November moon with the flat-tailed aquatic animal: (a) November is a month when many hunters used to set leghold traps for beaver,[1] and (b) November is a month when many beaver families are especially active in rebuilding their beaver lodges and dams.[2] Much of the mammals' building and repair work takes place by moonlight, because the beaver is primarily nocturnal. Both explanations implicate November's position as the last full month before the coming of winter, as beaver (which do not hibernate) need to have ready access to food during the cold months, and need to grow an especially lush pelt of fur so as to be prepared. By the traditional valuation standards of the fur trade, a late-fall beaver pelt was worth more than a pelt harvested during other seasons of the year.

Without really thinking about this full moon I have been working with the rebuilding energy - no wonder it is working so well.  On November 3rd there is a fundraising rummage sale that will help my son be able to go to a China Choir Tour.  I have been emptying my ministorage unit and organizing the items to sell and finding things that I need to keep and rebuilding and reorganizing our home with those things.  Being just before Samhain where we let go of what we do not need and use it as fertilizer for our new intentions, I find this a very useful moon this year and the energy extremely invigorating.  


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