Mabon - Second Harvest - link added at the end

Day and Night have become equal for a moment.  It is the time of the 2nd harvest. For me this year, the harvest has been bitter sweet.  My seeds I am harvesting and preparing for the feast are 1.  To continue to support my daughter in every way I could to help her healing.  2.  To support my husband during his lower surgeries.  3.  To continue towards becoming a therapist working with families struggling with RAD.

1.  My daughter is now out of state in a special placement that will hopefully allow her to heal.  When I planted those seeds of intent, my daughter was an hour a way and doing well and making progress in the placement she was at.  She was able to come home and visit.  I still had full custody of her.  But the progress was limited and so was her healing and eventually my daughter showed us she needed something more intense to help her heal.  I had no idea that the Goddess's path would lead me through court, through several placements, heart ache and desperation before my daughter would finally end up with one of the most therapeutic placements available.  It was a hard road, but now I can accept the harvest and actually prepare the fruits of my harvest to share with others.  I am hoping that if my flights are all on time, I will be able to see my daughter during a layover on the 25th.

2.  Another tough road that I am glad that the Goddess only let me see a little at a time.  When I planted this seed, he was still a few months from his surgery.  We had a few tough times before his surgery where it was hard to support him, and I found myself calling his best friend to help him move forward.  The first and main surgery went well, but the healing and the time between further surgeries have been tough.  I am not sure how much everything has really helped his emotional health, but I truly believe that in the long run he will be happier because he did the surgeries.  My harvest from this planting, is more understanding of my husband and a much stronger relationship.  I am preserving what we have learned and gained and using it for future times to understand and support him.  He still has lots of healing and surgeries to go so I am sure I will need all of the things I have learned this year to get through the next.

3.  Today I am at the ATTACh Conference in Baltimore, MD - this is part of my harvest.  I have stayed involved and created a website to start trying to become a therapist and help other families like mine.  The interesting thing is the harvest of the first 2 seeds while more bountiful than the harvest from this seed, actually is going to help prepare me to become a therapist.  I have learned a lot and at this conference I am able to help others at least by understanding and supporting their journey.

The harvesting is now about done.  I will prepare my harvest for the feast and the dark times ahead.  I will start gathering what is not used to make mulch to fertilize my next seeds of intent.  I look forward to a new year and a new chance to try again at many things.  The best part of the Wheel of the Year is it keeps turning and you can keep trying and you can use what you have learned.

I found this wonderful blog post about Mabon here.


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