Friday, September 23, 2011

Yet another wonderful breakfast (oh and please note - each time I was down in the food area - I was bidding on some of the silent auctions - LOL - I told my hubby I would be good (I was - well as good as I could be - but there were really cool magnets and someone brought amethyst which you all know i could not pass up))  Today was a workshop day and my first workshop was Consultation and Case Presentation Using Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy presented by  Dr. Arthur Becker-Weidman - I really wanted to take this one because I am very interested in learned more about DDP because i have heard so many wonderful things about it in attachment therapy, especially with teens and my daughter's therapist is learning DDP so I thought it could be beneficial on a personal level.  I learned a lot - got to see how it could be used by several role playing scenarios and that was really helpful to get a step by step idea of different ways you could go about it.  At this point my personal life was going crazy - I was trying to handle all kinds of issues during the breaks and such as I contacted my attorneys and we were working on trying to keep everything ok with my daughter - at this point AAP ended the funding and since i was not there and was not picking up my daughter (nor would I if I had been there) she was moved to a shelter in the county where I live and a warrant was put out for my arrest for abandoning my daughter.  I have to say I tried to be very quiet about it with the speakers and everyone was fine when I would occasionally leave and pop back in a few minutes later.

We had a business meeting lunch but it was nice and as always a friend spoke and had most of the room in both laughter at points and tears.  Again the food was great and I was just so happy that basically I was only having to pay for my dinners as I was really trying to cut costs.  I ran down in order to do last minute bidding and then it was time for another workshop.  I have to say the hardest part of the conference was choosing which of the wonderful workshops I wanted to take - I was often so torn.  This time I was off to Experiential Therapy Techniques for Young Children in Attachment Therapy  by Denise Best .  I chose this workshop because I have been struggling when working with really young children - especially those who experienced trauma before being verbal.  This gave me some great ideas both for reprocessing some stuff with my daughter and what I could do when I get younger clients.  My last workshop was See No Evil: A New Paradigm for Viewing Traumatized children by Dr. Arthur Willans and Jess Willans.  I saw how logical consequences can be used and how talking in certain tones and certain ways could help but really most of the children including mine are way beyond this - but despite the actual content of the workshop not being that helpful in one respect it actually opened my eyes to something I had heard but never really realized how deep rooted it was.  When they were doing a scenario about a child who was frightened - they kept telling him he was safe and they could keep him safe - I had a flashback - this had been what we kept telling my daughter over and over as she was growing up - and then my ex-hubby's accident - and then she got mad and constantly accused me of lying - I realized to her it really seemed like we lied to her - we promised her she could be safe and we couldn't keep her safe at all.  It really helped me see how she slipped backwards and seems unreachable - tears streamed down my face - now I know why she just wants to keep running and getting away - she really cannot trust that things are going to be ok.  This came as my personal world was falling apart.  My roommate and I went to dinner in at the hotel and then went up for the parent pampering night.  We signed up for massages - and hung out in the hall for awhile - and like all parents we showed pictures of our kids but now that life has moved forward and it was on phones and ipods.  It was kind of neat that we kept getting in trouble for being loud (how many of us even get a chance to be loud chatting with people who understand us - it was AWESOME!)  Also the masseuses were awesome - for a 15 min chair massage - it was amazing!  I went to bed stressing how my life would be when I came back but at the same time I really appreciated that if I had to go through this - I was with people who understand me!


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